Imperfect thoughts

In the earliest stages of articulating a thought it’s fragile. We add additional thoughts before and after to convey a point. Based on the feedback we get from a reader or listener we adjust our approach.

When speaking, a similar phenomena occurs.

Imagine that you’re having a conversation with someone about what happened this weekend. How do you structure your thoughts?

There are multiple ways this conversation can go:

Scenario 1

Not much, I just hung out with the family, played some board games and watched some movies.

Scenario 2

This weekend was great, my family came over from upstate NY and we all spent some time together. We watched movies on Saturday night and played board games on Sunday afternoon. Boardgames were definitely the highlight, they reminded me of being a kid again.

Scenario 3

Weekend was fun, got to spend time with family. We watched some movies and played some board games. Playing board games reminded me of how fun they can be.

There are infinitely more scenarios of telling the same story.

I’d be curious to know which one evoked the most emotion in you…

If I had to pick Scenario 2 is likely to be the best response.


Depending on the context of the situation you want to convey the most information in the least amount of time.

Being descriptive, sharing minute details, and adding emotion are the key elements of effective communication.

For me, speaking is often easier than writing.

I keenly pay attention to the non-verbal reactions of the people around me and adjust my tone and physical expressions accordingly to make sure I’m being heard.

Writing is much more about editing, making things concise, and mechanics. It’s an entirely different creative art form with much less direct feedback than speaking.

Writing on this blog is an attempt to perfect my thoughts.

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